Jump to T+0 T+24 T+36 T+48 T+60 T+72 T+84 T+96 T+120
Analysis (ASXX - produced at 6 hourly intervals) :

T+24 (FSXX - produced at 6 hourly intervals around 0430 UTC, 1030 UTC etc) :

T+36 (produced twice per day around 05/17 UTC from 00/12 UTC data) :

T+48 (produced twice per day around 05/17 UTC from 00/12 UTC data) :

T+60 (produced twice per day around 0530/1730 UTC from 00/12 UTC data) :

T+72 (produced twice per day around 0530/1730 UTC from 00/12 UTC data) :

T+84 (produced once per day around 06 UTC from 00 UTC data) :

T+96 (produced once per day around 22 UTC from 12 UTC data) :

T+120 (produced once per day around 22 UTC from 12 UTC data) :

© Crown copyright, original data supplied by the Met Office
Updated : January 5, 2014